Some reef building organisms from the Mediterranean

by | Nov 28, 2018 | Corals, Invertebrates, Photography | 0 comments

My recent trip to the Med allowed me to get a suite of images that I’m pretty pleased with. Some of them I’ve shared with you over the last few weeks. One of the things that I’ve been thinking about, though, relates to the nature of a reef: am I sharing images from reefs? Just in case there’s any doubt I thought I’d better offer up some evidence.

I have four types of organism that I’d call reef builders for you, the first is a calcareous alga called Padina pavonica or Peacock’s tail. This fairly shallow species is sometimes used as an ingredient in skin care products, it shows marked growth ‘rings’ and secretes calcium into its tissues.

More ‘traditional’ calcareous alga are commonplace as well. Alga such as this Lithophyllum contribute a lot to the reef’s complicated structure by creating growths of significant size and utility for many other species.

I’m not entirely sure what this alga is, maybe Coralina Elongata, but it is certainly an attractive addition to the reef.

Not to be ignored are the tube dwelling worms. This is Protula tubularia, which along with many other species secretes a calcareous tube.

Finally, I have a coral for you. Not many true corals are found in the Med. This deep water Leptosammia pruvoti is one of the most attractive.


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