RNN Episode 137 – Reefing on the Go: Livestreams with ReefDudes

by | Nov 6, 2020 | Podcast, Reef | 0 comments

Another reef robot, natural cement, and Reefing On The Go: an RNN and ReefDudes collaboration. This week we are live streaming with Deven on the ReefDudes YouTube channel. Deven catches us up on his pursuit of higher pH in his display, Jeremy is excited to add some new gear and is working on his balance, Peter got some solid pics and is enjoying his tank. All this and more on Episode 137 of the Reef News Network.


Jeremy- Coral reefs are hotspots of biodiversity. As they can withstand heavy storms, they offer many species a safe home. A team has now discovered that a very specific type of ‘cement’ is responsible for the stability of coral reefs – by forming a hard calcareous skeleton, coralline red algae stabilize the reefs, and have been doing so for at least 150 million years.

Deven & Peter- It’s been over four years since we first became aware of the Moai robotic glass cleaner and we’re happy to learn that this project is still alive. This exciting and ambitious aquarium device is not just an automatic algae scraper, but its built-in webcam also allows owners to stream video of their aquarium, from any location on the glass!

Main Topic- We posted in Reef News Nation about topic suggestions a few weeks ago and had some great suggestions (please keep that post alive if you have an idea for an episode!!!); this one jumped out right away as a great option. Today we are going to talk about Reefing on the go: setting yourself up for success when you are away from your tank. Be it a few days out of town, a week, or longer vacation or regular travel for work, there are steps you can take, choices you can make, and systems you can put in place that will help you succeed. First off, can it be done? We are going to give a tentative yes. It is going to be a bit more difficult and will require some serious planning, smart choices, and help if your travel is a consistent thing.

Reef News Network: www.reefnewsnetwork.com


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