I’ve been debating how to stock my new nano for quite some time and this gem popped onto my newsfeed today! The creative masterminds of ReefGen have done it again and blew me away with their stunning aquacultured pieces. If you want a chance at being one of the first to own this beautiful red and green open brain, I suggest you hurry up before I beat you to it – I love being first! This guy is relatively easy to keep, enjoys moderate light, easy flow and is semi-aggressive. No word yet on how he feels about long walks on the beach. Ever the curious reefer, I reached out to Justin Grabel of ReefGen to get some behind the scenes info on just what kind of sorcery was involved to make this happen.
“It has taken me over 2 years of work on two strains of Trachyphyllia to get to the point where we can release them in limited numbers. My goal has been to create miniature version of a full colony in shape and form. It is not too much unlike the process for creating my Project Line of unusual morphology in usually single polyp, non-encrusting coral. However the process to create these miniature babies forgoes one of the steps used to make a fully encrusting Project coral. The end of the process yields a miniature of mother colony.”
So there you have it from Mr. Grabel himself, many thanks to him for sharing this info with us. I’m fascinated by the process and hope they produce many more of these babies in the future so I can have a full tank! Happy Reefing!