Cave Transparent Goby


Scientific Name: Fusigobius pallidus
Family: Gobiidae
Color: white, brown

Fish Care

Fish Diet: Carnivore
Aggressiveness: Non-Aggressive
Reef Safe: Yes
Minimum Tank Size: 10 gal
Max Size: 3"
Relative Care: Easy


The Cave Transparent Goby, also known as the Bridled Goby, is a native of the reefs in the Maldives and Fiji. They are often found in and about both hard and soft corals. This fish gets its name from its transparent appearance. The body of the fish is also covered in orange spots.

The Transparent Goby can also be kept with a variety of other captive-bred gobies, if introduced into the aquarium at the same time.

It requires a 10 gallon or larger aquarium preferably with branching coral. It will rarely become aggressive towards other fish, but will fight with its own kind in a smaller aquarium. Therefore, it is best if it is kept with other docile species.

The diet of the Transparent Goby should consist of a variety of brine shrimp, frozen mysis shrimp, table shrimp, and frozen food preparations for carnivores. If housed in a reef aquarium with live branching corals, it needs to be fed once a day. If housed in an aquarium without substrate, it will require several feedings per day.