This is a group of angels that can be placed in a reef tank, but there is a good chance they will pick on corals. Because they get large in size, they need to be placed in larger reef tanks or large FOWLR tanks. For the most part, they are pretty hardy and usually live for quite some time. They should be fed mysis shrimp, flake, nori, and formula food. A deep water angel that doesn’t show up that often, and the ones that do usually don’t eat and die. This fish should be left in the ocean.

Japanese Swallowtail Angel
Scientific Name: Genicanthus semifasciatus
Fish Care
Fish Diet: Formula I & II, Mysis Shrimp, Meaty Foods
Aggressiveness: Non-Aggressive
Reef Safe: Yes
Minimum Tank Size: 150 gallons
Max Size:
Relative Care: Experts Only