by xeniaforever | Jun 15, 2020
The Yellow Edged Moray Eel is a larger species of Moray Eel that can attain lengths up to 8 feet as a mature adult. Younger or smaller-sized Yellow Edged Eels are primarily brown to purple in color with its namesake yellow edge or border running along the perimeter of...
by xeniaforever | Jun 15, 2020
The Golden Dwarf Moray Eel (Gymnothorax melatremus) is a small species of Moray Eel that only tops out at around 12″ in length. Ranging in color from a rich yellow coloration brown with a lighter colored...
by xeniaforever | Jun 15, 2020
The Japanese Dragon Eel, also known as the Dragon Moray Eel or Dragon Eel, was previously known as Enchelycore pardalis to scientists. It has a mottled orange, black, and white body accented by nostril flares and horns above the eyes giving this creature a menacing...
by xeniaforever | Jun 15, 2020
The Wolf Eel is often referred to as a Blenny. However, it is a pseudochromid (Dottyback). Its common names include Carpet Eel Blenny, Eared Eel Blenny, and Green Wolf Eel. Its body is a brownish color with highlights of...
by xeniaforever | Jun 15, 2020
The Jeweled Moray Eel originates from the shorelines of the Eastern Pacific, from the Gulf of California and south throughout Central America. They are one of the smaller Moray Eels, only attaining a maximum size of 24...