Goldline Goby

It should be housed in a 10-gallon or larger aquarium. Rarely will it become aggressive towards other fish, but is territorial, and will fight with its own kind unless they are a mated pair. They commonly inhabit sponges in the wild such as vase or tube...

Wheeler’s Shrimp Goby

Wheeler’s Shrimp Goby is a small, peaceful fish that forms a fascinating symbiotic relationship with pistol shrimps. This species prefers to pair with Alpheus ochrostriatus, but sometimes pairs with A.…

Railway Gobies

The Sleeper Railway Glider Goby originates among the rubble zones surrounding the reefs of Sri Lanka. It is white in coloration with two distinct black and orange horizontal lines extending the length of the...

Rainford Goby

A nice little goby that will hang out on the bottom of the tank. Needs sand and rocks to hide. Shouldn’t be keep with any aggressive fish. The Rainford Goby is a peaceful fish and makes an excellent addition to a reef tank.…

Golden Head Sleeper Goby

The Sleeper Gold Head Goby, is known by many names including the Pennant Glider, Yellowheaded or Golden Head Sleeper, or Blueband, Bluestreak, or Yellowheaded Sleeper Goby. Its head is yellow-gold with a sapphire-blue stripe below the eyes, and the rest of the body is...