Australian Stripey

Fast, friendly and full of personality, these hard-to-find Australian Stripeys are a joy to watch in the home aquarium. Preferring to school, this little jewel is peaceful, but far from shy!…

Coral Catfish

The Coral Catfish, also known as Striped Eel Catfish, Saltwater Catfish, or Marine Catfish, can be found in schools sifting into the substrate on and around reefs in the Indo-Pacific. The color of the Coral Catfish changes as the fish...

Bluestripe Snapper

One of the most widespread of the snappers, the Bluestripe Snapper, also known as the Blue-Line Sea Perch, ranges from the Red Sea south to Madagascar and east to India, Asia, Indonesia, Australia and a number of Pacific Islands including...

Jackknife Fish

The Jackknife Fish originating from the Caribbean and is an interestingly shaped fish, with long dorsal and caudal fins. The formation of these two fins resemble a Jackknife, hence its common...


The Porkfish which originates from the Western Atlantic has a yellow head and fins accenting a silver-gray base with two black vertical stripes. They are a peaceful fish that make a wonderful addition to a peaceful saltwater fish only...