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Advanced Reefer
I've had the strangest thing growing in the sand of my reef tank. I thought it was just some thin, plant growth, like hair algae, but it is ocurring in only two spots and doesn't seem to spread like algae.

I was dumping some protein food in the tank and I looked over at this "clump of hair" and it was moving! like a basket of snakes!!

Whatever this is - at first it seemed like red hair but when I put food in the tank it acts like a bunch of tiny snakes - the worm-like tentacles are red and black striped. I will try to post a picture but the macro ability on my camera is limited. I checked the FAQ and couldn't find anything like this.. it's very weird.


Advanced Reefer
Sounds like you have some spaghetti worms. If that's what they are they are highly beneficial to keeping your sand bed clean. You should be able to see them most of the time though. I was given half dozen by LFS for free and they are worms that extend out these long reddish "arms" to clean your sand.

Hope that helps. I'm new to this so will be watching to see other opinions.


Advanced Reefer
Ok, here's a picture - it looked just like some hairy algae but it's moving - I can't see what is at the center - it looks like a big cluster of tentacles. Anyone have any idea what this is? I can't get a good closeup with my lame camera.



Advanced Reefer
Unlike most worms though, these guys don't seem to move - they sit in this one spot in the substrated and wave around - like all the tentacles are part of one larger, octopus-like creature.


Advanced Reefer
Not sure... by your picture they look just like my spaghetti worms. Their main body part usually stays under the substrate and they put out their arms to do the cleaning. I've only had mine for a week though and they've been moving around a bit. Not much though, maybe 1 inch in the past few days. How long have you noticed them there? -and- Have they been in the exact same spot the entire time?


Advanced Reefer
They've been in this spot for at least 2-3 months. I originally thought it was a small patch of hair algae. I never examined it closely. If sphegetti worms are like regular worms and simply tubelike, with no central mass (such as what an anemone or tube worm has) then these are not that as they all seem to eminate from a central spot - I do not know what's in the center or how much of the creature is actually buried in the sand. It's very weird.

Whatever they are, they have now reproduced. There are at least 3-4 "colonies" of these things - or maybe 3-4 of these creatures who have multiple tentacles...

Tim Reed

Active Reefer
Look under Medussa. I have them in my tank and they collect the crud in my tank into a pile and I just vacuum out the pile.


I too, have these reddish things w/black stripes. Mine are on some of my rock, not in my sand. They seem to have a small central body that resembles mushy fish food. Bizarre description I know. They do not seem to trravel too far, yet they do travel. i have a feww of the clusters primarily on one particular rock. Nothing seems harmed around them-so I let it be. Been there a while.


Advanced Reefer
Can anybody ID these guys? They do not look like the second picture. They don't seem to be bad for the reef tank - they leave the coral alone but I'm curious what they are?


Experienced Reefer
I have aa 20 Gallon tank and they are in several places and have been for over a year. They have not harmed anything.I was told they are spagetti worms. and they are benefical. I have just finishing setting up a 72 bowfront. And I have 12 mounds of these already. I transfered a small amount of my substrate in from my 20 and then added 40 pounds of live sand and in 3 days they were there they are cleaning the algea away in circles. I would not worry about them . unless they are big enough to reach out of the tank and drag a small dog in..Just enjoy watching them worknull


Advanced Reefer
Mabu, your fuzzy pic of the tentacles definitely suggests a Terrebellid polychaete worm (aka spaghetti worm) wth its body buried in your tank substrate.

The other pic posted is also a spaghetti, but one that has decided to crawl around. Good scavenger.


[ August 05, 2001: Message edited by: horge ]

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