OK...I'll give this a shot, but it's hard to say what you have from your pictures.
The first picture looks like you may have been trying to photograph one of the reef clams that many of us get. My experience with these has been that they survive in some tanks and not in others. Mine did well. Feeding DT's may help these guys thrive.
The second picture looks like a type of coral. Where did this rock come from? If from the Caribbean or Florida, I'd guess that this is some form of star coral. It looks a little like the Siderastrea radians that came on my gulf-view rock, but the skeleton color is different. If this is indeed a coral, then your best bet is to try to cycle your tank as quickly as you can, maintain the best water quality you can, make sure your calcium and alkalinity levels are appropriate for coral, and make sure the coral is somewhere that it gets decent light.
I hope this helps.