About a week or two ago I noticed this slug-like thing crusing along my rock. It's very fast and it's pretty flat with a small rise (plateau like) towards the head. It's coloring is fleshy gray with no defined markings. I think it could be an Aeolids becasue it does have rhinophores but not the set of prominant anal gills, at least not that I can see. It looked like it might have slits near the head but not sure. Also I think it had little tenicles along it's body, very small and thin. I only see it when the lights are off or right after my atinic lights come on before the main lights. I've never seen it near anything nor does anything seem to be nibbled on or hurting/missing. I have anthelia, xenia, mushrooms and a finger soft coral (not sure what type). I'm sure it hitched a ride with my LR. I've only purchased one coral recently and everything else in my tank I got from Wombat or Biogeek.
Is this going to cause me problems? Should I try to get it out of my tank? I tried to find some photos of the aeolids but came up empty handed.
Is this going to cause me problems? Should I try to get it out of my tank? I tried to find some photos of the aeolids but came up empty handed.