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man this game is the funnest ever. finding new stuff is like a happy little present when i come home every day. it's a shatty pic because the little guy is shy, and my glass has some algae action goin' on. anybody know what its name is?



oh, and the rock is from the caribbean. the little crabbers appears to be grazing on the live rock? will that be a problem or is he just eating junky junk?



Advanced Reefer
I've got a couple of those myself but I haven't really taken the time to figure out what they are. They're some sort of rock anemone from what I've gathered. Have you checked the Hitchhiker FAQ?



no i was talking about the little crab in the inset pic and with the arrow pointing to him in the main pic. the anemone lookey thing is apparrently a solitary polyp. i just discovered that they really extend their tentacles at night most, so i will have to do a photoshoot soon, if i find time to clean the glass :) but i am sorta lazy about that because i'm still in the algae bloom phase.

now back to the crab ... :)


Advanced Reefer
Wow, couldn't tell that was a crab in the photo. heh. Actually I had one of those too but I couldn't positively ID it either. Looks like the HHFAQ is a no-go either. If you ever positively ID it, please let me know and we'll add it to our FAQ.



Yeah I am diligent about checking the faq. I will keep you updated :)


Advanced Reefer
I'd highly suggest removing it... it won't stay little for long and its definitely a carnivore. They have fuzzy appearing legs and sometimes red eyes (sometimes black) with sharply ending claws that do a great job of yanking snails from their shells a piece at a time. Mine went from dime sized to 3-4" in just over a year and went thru $50 worth of snails (which it nicely piled up under my rocks near its den).



hm then i will have to bait him into a trap or something, he is really shy and sticks in his cave a lot (that dark area right behind him).

do you know what species it is? i'd like to read up about it.


From what I see the legs look like that of an emerald crab. Relatively harmless but I have heard a few horror stories. I could be wrong though, I dont know where they come from so I couldnt rule it out from where your rock came from


Advanced Reefer
I have several different crabs in my tank that came with the live rock. They are brown, hairy, and stare at my corals with drool hanging from their mouths. ;) What are they?
There are many, many crabs that inhabit live rock and are often a real frustrating problem for those that own them. Identifying them is even more problematic due to the sheer numbers of species of crabs found on the reef. There are many species which would cause damage in our tanks, and many more that aren't even described yet. If one were to guess on the species, Family Xanthidae and Family Majidae would probably be the strongest possibilities due to their commoness. It is probably a good idea to remove (if possible) any unidentified crabs before the can become a nuisance. However, think carefully before you decide on a course of action. Diversity is something most desired in reef aquaria, and it would be better leave the crab until there is evidence that it is doing damage. If the crab has been in your tank for a long time and you have no mysteriously damaged corals/missing fish, chances are that the crab is harmless. Innocent until proven guilty....

http://www.reefs.org/hhfaq/pages/main_p ... _rock2.htm


I used to have one just as described...black tips on the claws. He was in my reef for a year before I discovered him. He could have been doing damage, but I never noticed it.


Hwarang - crabs are wayyy cool but speaking from experience those cute little crabs always end up getting into trouble (a few truly reef safe crabs I could reccomend are scarlet hermits and porcelain crabs though they have some care issues). I'd pull him out if you can and throw him in the sump - maybe drop a few chunks of LR in there for him to climb around on. That's what I did with my hitchikers and those little emeralds that got silver dollar size seemingly overnight.

I have had coral eating crabs, fish eating crabs, knock-everything-that-isn't-glued'down crabs, acrobatic chew on the silicone seal crabs - you get the idea , they are not good reef inhabitants.

Also add to the list of safe crabs are many of the commensal types you find in stony corals - I think they are either Xanthids or maybe Trapezid species?


technoshaman, understood. but i am way to curious to evict the little bugger. i will wait a bit and see what happens before i decide his fate

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