New Reefer
Ok, so I am new at this. Everyone started somewhere and I am perplexed. I got some nice fiji a few days ago (cured) and plopped it in my tank. I noticed an opaque filmy-looking thing in the crevice of one of the rocks. It does not move, and it remains this bluish-white color. I thought maybe an anenome? This morning when I peeked in my tank there was a large slit down the middle of it, but I couldn't see anything moving or anything new in my tank. Throughout the afternoon the slit has gotten smaller, and now it is a small circle (about 2-3mm in diameter). I wish I had a picture but don't have a digital cam. Any ideas? It's very strange. The whole "thing" is about 10-15mm long, and has a soft mushy appearance. Thanks in advance!