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Experienced Reefer
Hi, I found this in my tank that just finished cycling. I don't think it is a Cirolanid or Aegid isopod. I think it is a Sphaeromatid ispod. Does anybody else have any ideas?

I really want to move my fish to my new bowfront but I am nervous to do so until I know what these are.

Thanks! John


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I have tons in my tank that look the same superficially- they don't do any harm and it never occurred to me that they might. If it were a parisitic species I think it would already be attached to a fish.


Experienced Reefer
You have these same ones in your tank? I currently have no fish in my tank that is why I am hesitant to add my tangs.

Do they look just like this in your tank? I did notice that when I was trying to move him with a toothpick he was rolling up into a ball like a rolly bug. Do the bad isopods do this?

Any other opinions? I have been waiting patiently for almost 2 months for my 300lbs of rock to cycle and its time for fish! :)


Looks like the same thing I have all over my tank. Check this thread: http://reefs.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=30513
I don't have any fish, just the clean up crew and a toadstool leather with no problems. I'm putting seahorses in tomorrow, so we'll see if they are dangerous -- so far they seem to munch on algae and brine shrimp pellets.


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