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Active Reefer
I have 5 turbo snails, placed about a two weeks ago, in a 29 gal tank, been up 2.5 months and a noticed small 1-2 mm curled up shperes on my glass there is about 8 of them. Could they be baby snails? or copepods? What should i do with them? Thanks Sorry the pic is bad.


probably snail eggs although there is no picture present so they could be about anything


Advanced Reefer
Copied from the Hitchhickers FAQ :

On the glass of my tank, I can see small, white coils that are about 2mm across and have tiny hairs sticking out. What are these guys?

This is probably yet another tube-dwelling polychaete from the Family Spirorbidae. It is yet another harmless filter-feeder that is common in reef aquaria. It is common for these worms to inhabit areas of high water flow, including your tank's plumbing. They readily reproduce via sexual means and often spread throughout the tank, and can generally be considered a sign of a healthy maturing tank.

sammy stingray

Experienced Reefer
I agree with Spirorbidae worms as well..very very common......hard white tiny coils. I have never considered them as a sign of a healthy tank so much as a tank that can and does support filter feeders. Of course, their presence does seem to indicate a well working tank nonetheless. If they are in place you don't want them..scrape them off. If they are in a place that doesn't matter, just leave them. In my experiences a lot of tanks go through an explosion of these guys, and then the population levels off......it's all good though.


Active Reefer
again i disagree the "turbo snails" are probably nerites and laying eggs.. LFS's need to quit useing common names for every single snail out there.. hmm letsee Mexican turbos" the real turbo snail" astera "cone turbo" nerite "turbo snail" trochus "tiger turbo snail" ughhhhh gimme a break

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