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Experienced Reefer
So I was at a distant fish store, picking up an orange Zoo that I wanted and also found a mix and match rock with some strange mushrooms so I got that too and the owner said, here take this frag of coral if you like.

So he didnt mention what it was, but heck, I never look a gift horse in the mouth, so any clues what type of coral it is?


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Experienced Reefer
Cool, well i tried to stick it to a rock usning gel superglue, but that only held for 3 hours or so, then I stuck a wooden toothpick through it and attached it to a rock, and it slid half way up the toothpick in 8 hours, so I wound a rubber band around the tooth pick and tried again.

So far so good, it's still holding it to the rock, though it has turned sideways and the frags tip is pointing to the left side of my tank instead of up to the top, but Im leaving it like that as I figure it will eventually take hold to the liverock and being growing towards the top of the tank.

But only time will really tell.


Little plastic picks from bars work better than wooden ones.


Advanced Reefer
Only way I ever have really good luck attaching these slimy buggers is to just wedge them into a hole in the rock or between two peices of rubble... they usually attach well enough within a day or two to move things around a little.



Advanced Reefer
I drill a hole in a piece of liverock deep enough so the frag isn't blown out, and in a few days it is stuck.


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