Oh boy do I have a problem…. I was taking a look around my wife’s reef tank last eve and I saw something that needed to go…. a whelk. Well needless to say I popped the little bugger into a plastic container. My wife comes up to me and asks ‘what are you doing with snuffy?’ in a very concerned voice. Shocked I told her that Snuffy was headed for the freezer. She didn’t believe me that her ‘snuffy’ was a bad thing to have despite the 4 or so empty Nassarius shells. I showed her pic’s of whelks on the net, and even came across one that is an exact match of her little pet. Her reply: ‘not my Snuffy’. I don’t normally poke my hand in her tank but I take a look from time to time and see how she is making out. So before I put my wife’s beloved Snuffy into the freezer I told her that I’d post that pic and see if others agree that Snuffy is a whelk. So… do I have freezer friend or does Snuffy get to go back into the tank?