I have just started building my 85g marine tank, and found a rather attractive anemone--it's small (about 1 inch, when fully extended, incl. tentacles), the base is clear with a little blue/purple tinge (maybe just my actinic?) and the tentacles are purple/brown. It has a definite stalk, and retracts to (but not including) the tentacles when touched. I'm afraid it's aiptasia, but am still too new to this to know for sure.
The pictures are also posted on my web server at http://www.gecko-ak.org/~mike/aiptasia2.jpg and http://www.gecko-ak.org/~mike/aiptasia3.jpg Sorry they are rather poor quality, but that's the *best* of the several shots I took. The aiptasia suspect is the guy on the top; the critter on the lower right, I'm pretty sure, is a feather duster worm.
If anyone could positively ID these, I'd really appreciate it!
I have just started building my 85g marine tank, and found a rather attractive anemone--it's small (about 1 inch, when fully extended, incl. tentacles), the base is clear with a little blue/purple tinge (maybe just my actinic?) and the tentacles are purple/brown. It has a definite stalk, and retracts to (but not including) the tentacles when touched. I'm afraid it's aiptasia, but am still too new to this to know for sure.
The pictures are also posted on my web server at http://www.gecko-ak.org/~mike/aiptasia2.jpg and http://www.gecko-ak.org/~mike/aiptasia3.jpg Sorry they are rather poor quality, but that's the *best* of the several shots I took. The aiptasia suspect is the guy on the top; the critter on the lower right, I'm pretty sure, is a feather duster worm.
If anyone could positively ID these, I'd really appreciate it!