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Experienced Reefer
For a small 5 gallon tank I just saw the largest bristle worm ever. Must be at least 4" long and rather thick. What worries me is that I seem to remember somehting about them going after small fish. And I just added a Royal Gamma as the sole inhabitant.

Should I be worried?


Experienced Reefer
Well, something got the gamma last night. D*mnit. Guess I'll have to go fishing for bristle worms, unless you think a Fire Shrimp could be the culprit.


Experienced Reefer
I have bristleworm"s" around that size and have a small clown goby and they haven't touched him.


Advanced Reefer
It would be very rare for a detritivore like a bristleworm to go after a fish... unless its already dead. I would think its the tank itself or the fish's poor health to start that are the culprits.


Experienced Reefer
I would tend to agree, but everything in the tank is thriving, and I watched the royal at the pet store over a week, always ate, not really skittish. Acclimated him nice and slowly with a dripline. Saw him in the rocks the day before and his skeleton the next.


I just thought cause it was such a small tank maybe the bristle had an easier time getting to it.


Advanced Reefer
Main issue is that they don't have any mechanism by which to capture or do damage to a fish. They don't have giant pincers or poisinous rays or the like.

Its one thing for them to eat a coral, quite another a healthy fish. Even the first nibble would have set the fish to running.

I'm still voting on another factor.


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