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Experienced Reefer
Greetings! I have noticed over the last month or so something growing on my live rock. It started out as a small patch but lately is really starting to spread. I can't get a real clear close up shot, I don't have the lens for it. The surface reminds me of "peach fuzz", all these little hairs. I am mostly concerned if this is going to be a good thing or a bad thing. Any and all comments appreciated. Sorry about the flecks in the pictures, my tang likes to hog the camera and is kicking up sand! Thanks!

This is the section of rock it's growing on...

This is the best close up I can manage...
It is a common hitchhiker on live rock. It is a type of SPS coral calls Porites, and it can be dark brown, light brown, yellowish, to green with purple edge. The polyp (peach fuzz) is usually 12- or 18- pointed, and it can be different color from the "skin." Some are florescent green, others are light yellow. You may find some worms that grow among the coral colony, and some are called Xmas tree worms.

If they survive on the live rock thru the curing process, it usually means that the rock is very good quality to start, and you did an excellent job in both curing process and keeping the water parameter in top-notch condition for it to thrive. :thumb up:


Advanced Reefer
I'd guess porites as well. It looks as though it is doing very well... good job! Its an indication that the tank itself is doing well.


Experienced Reefer
I believe this may be Millepora.

Doublette, could you describe the "peach fuzz" in detail? Does the fuzz appear to be short clear hairs distributed evenly across the colony, or tentacles arranged in tight circles?


Experienced Reefer
John: I would say it looks like short hairs evenly spread across the whole area, thus my explanation of "peach fuzz". The area in question is rather small, measuring about 3.5 inches across. I just tried to look closely at it but the "little hairs" are not out right now, the surface looks very smooth. But I don't recall there being any kind of circles. I will keep an eye on it and give you a more difinitive answer when I can. I am going to do some searchin on Millepora to see if I can still be a happy camper. :)

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