I recently received a sea cucumber from a friend who was using it for a carbon dioxide emmission study at school. It is not a hitchhiker, but this is an identification question, so I am posting it here. The little guy appears to have been exposed to high ammonia/nitrate levels. I took it home and attepted to revive it. It is looking much better, crawling a bit and showing its crown-thing. Before I am comfortable with it in a reef tank, I would like to know the species.
If anyone can identify it from description, great! If not, I will follow up with a picture later. It is green and pink, about four or five inches long, with short spikes about a quarter or half an inch long. The crown it brighter reddish-pink on green. Does anyone know of a cuke this color? It was probably ordered from a scientific or education supply catalouge.
Plus, since I did not intend/prepare anything special for a cuke, can someone give me basic tips for keeping these echinoderms? I have lots of sea stars and brittle stars, but I have never owned a cucumber. If I cannot keep it myself, I will have to find it a more suitable home.
Thank you very much!
I recently received a sea cucumber from a friend who was using it for a carbon dioxide emmission study at school. It is not a hitchhiker, but this is an identification question, so I am posting it here. The little guy appears to have been exposed to high ammonia/nitrate levels. I took it home and attepted to revive it. It is looking much better, crawling a bit and showing its crown-thing. Before I am comfortable with it in a reef tank, I would like to know the species.
If anyone can identify it from description, great! If not, I will follow up with a picture later. It is green and pink, about four or five inches long, with short spikes about a quarter or half an inch long. The crown it brighter reddish-pink on green. Does anyone know of a cuke this color? It was probably ordered from a scientific or education supply catalouge.
Plus, since I did not intend/prepare anything special for a cuke, can someone give me basic tips for keeping these echinoderms? I have lots of sea stars and brittle stars, but I have never owned a cucumber. If I cannot keep it myself, I will have to find it a more suitable home.
Thank you very much!