I'm curious if this is a "count myself lucky" situation or what. I recently set up a 30g prop tank near a south facing window, and I'm testing it with various zoos, candy cane, a colt coral, gsp, mushrooms and one orange dig frag. So far the corals look great due to the natural sunlight (might be overpowering the mushrooms, but I expected that) well yesterday I don't know what caused it (but may make me remove the tank if it keeps up) the temp rised to about 88-90 degrees in the tank, so I put a fan to blow across the top and opened a window to try to cool it off, well I went to a superbowl party shortly after, when I came home later the temperature was 68 degrees! So I had a temp swing of 20 degrees, now my colt was looking peed off and my candy cane were super puffed up, but this morning with a the temp stablized they all look normal. So I'm wondering if I just got really lucky here or what. Everyother time I've heard swings like this due to hotweather (and lack of chiller or A/C) people have had much worst results. So what could have allowed mine to survive? Just hardier species? or what?