These obviously came with the LR and appear not to be pests (I only have three after one year)... any idea? They are all about the size of a penny and have some green hues on them.
I think they're like 1/2 way between mushroom & Anemone. It doesn't need any light but it does need food. I believe they can live just of what blows by, I've even seen them eat detritus. Usually they're only found on the bottom of rocks though or in caves.
Holey moley I just found one!!!!! I have had this tank for like 3 years and taken it down, had the lr chillin in boxes for like 3 weeks and done everything I can to destroy my tank (unintentionally) and now I found one of these guys at the very bottom of my tank barely in view. Fantastic!!!!
I am so excited, Usually I find problem critters like aptasia and the such but this time its a goodie!
DO these multiply often ? I saw him move a bit like 1 cm over the last week maybe.
After one year I have 7 of them. 4 grouped close together (2 pairs), one about 10cm from the 4, one about 30cm from the 4 and one in my pico.
On the other hand I never fed them, so maybe if you feed they multiply faster. They're really cute!