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Active Reefer
They came with the tank. 8O I was not expecting them. The tank has only been up for about 3 weeks. Just wanted to make sure they were not a risk to my fish. The clowns seem interested in them for some reason. They follow them around looking at the crab. I have heard that some hermit crabs are oportunistic fish eaters. However, I found no pic that resembled these crabs I have. Thanks.


It's a species of Clibanarius, quite possibly Clibanarius vittatus a harmless omnivore.

David Mohr


Active Reefer
That's it. Clibanarius vittatus. Thanks :D It seems the only problem they have is attacking other shelled animals to get their shells from what I read. So, I guess they will be fine for a while. I will try to find them some various shells to swap out in order to keep them happy. I may eventually trade them out for some Scarlets Hermits or some Red LEgged ones. Thanks again. I love this site. Found a great pic of one out of the shell too. http://www.gsmfc.org/seamap/picture_gui ... ttatus.pdf


Totally off-topic question.
But are you, by chance, the same MyMonkey who plays on x-box live as MyMonkey?


Active Reefer
Sorry, no. I rarely play on X-Box live. However, MyMonkey is a Trademark of mine and my Cousin. That is likely my Cousin. He plays Halo all the time it seems. His email is [email protected] :D


*adds mymonkey to friends list in xbox*
new halo levels are sweet


Advanced Reefer
I had one of these guys in my sump and it completely decimated my featherduster population, there were none left after a few weeks. It did eat some hair algae, but it was too destructive to featherdusters for me to keep.



Active Reefer
Thanks for that info Brian. Well then, since I dig featherdusters, these Hermits will have to go. Once my tanks' cycle is complete I will pick up some other hermits and snails. Any idea on how to get rid of these guys? Maybe lfs, or anyone wana adopt some Hermit kids? :D


Advanced Reefer
Well, I wouldn't say they have to go right away, it is possible they are a different species, we all know how ID'ing by pictures is terrible. Maybe place a couple in the sump with those small white featherdusters and see what happens.



Active Reefer
Unfortunately. I have no sump. I have considered adding one to my existing setup with overflow. However, the risk of flood is just too great. This is my First SW so next time I wil certainly go Reef Ready. For now though, I will make do with what I can with no sump. I have seen HOB filters turned into refugiums, I may consider that. Not sure what good that will do me though. I have seen your tank thread. Very nice. Love the setup. :D


Advanced Reefer
MyMonkey":dwxu7prp said:
Unfortunately. I have no sump. I have considered adding one to my existing setup with overflow. However, the risk of flood is just too great. This is my First SW so next time I wil certainly go Reef Ready. For now though, I will make do with what I can with no sump. I have seen HOB filters turned into refugiums, I may consider that. Not sure what good that will do me though. I have seen your tank thread. Very nice. Love the setup. :D

Thanks, always glad to hear people follow my thread. I'm going to be posting some pictures soon of some cool nudibranch hitchhikers I found :) Yeah, Reef ready is the way to go for sure. If you can get a HOB filter and make a refugium it will definitely help your tank. Get the biggest HOB filter you can and a separate small light to light up some cheato algae on a reverse cycle. Any competition you can do to reduce nuisance algae is great :)


Experienced Reefer
Any body know how big the Zebra hermit crabs (Calcinus laevimanus) can get? I have some that are starting to get pretty large, I dont want them to start eating things that cost money :)


bhanson":w7uokecp said:
Any body know how big the Zebra hermit crabs (Calcinus laevimanus) can get? I have some that are starting to get pretty large, I dont want them to start eating things that cost money :)

Body length a little over 2".

David Mohr

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