That is far enough away from the Candycane's sweepers...But are those Devils hands next to it? Thats suspect with Chemical warfare and all from softies...
why would someone wanting to advertise for be a bad thing? as long as they are promoting reefkeeping i think that's ok. mind you, joew, he didn't message anyone(did he??...if so, that would be kind of out of line...perhaps) and i wouldn't think of this post as "adverting".
and now...back to the post...:roll:
do you have any pictures of where it is placed now? as lord nikon said, any softies in the tank(leathers are especially suspect!) can really be thugs when it comes to alleopathy. consider that your warning pos!!
Anyways, I had to post my opinion about your acro. It looks much better in the updated pic. I think it will be alright "insert thumbs up emoticon here."
First off, it looks to me like the acro is doing better....I see some contrasting color in the tips. Good Job!
Second, what's wrong wth linking? Everyone does it....."check out this lighting thread"....."check out my friends tank"...."did you guys see this thread at RC or reefkeeping magazine?"
Joew - I say throttle back some, try some decafe, and let the mods determine if it is spam or not.
Does the acro appear to be turning pale in any areas? Is it bleaching out on the tips? If so .. then you have a problem. If it is keeping good color then you're probably fine. Also, if you can take it out and it stinks (more than corals should), that is a finger pointing at necrosis..
If it does start turning white and bleaching I find it best to go ahead and frag off those parts and try to save the rest
no, so far..the color has stayed green with purple tips...the lights were out in the tank, and I used flash on the camera. I'll take a better pic with the tank lights are on.