I've noticed the occasional dead, light tan, very small insect floating on the top of my tank when I go to feed, or tend to the tank in some way. I figured it was something like a gnat attracted to the lights. Well tonight, I was checking on a new addition to the tank (feather duster), and noticed these things flying/moving across the surface of the water under my blue LED moon light. They were moving so fast, all I coould se of them are swirling streaks. I mean amazingly fast. Any idea what they might be? I've never seen a gnat move anything near this speed. (And no I wasn't hallucinating or under the influence- my Wife saw them too!)
Tomorrow I'll try to post a pic of the surface critters in daylight.
Thanks for any help!
I've noticed the occasional dead, light tan, very small insect floating on the top of my tank when I go to feed, or tend to the tank in some way. I figured it was something like a gnat attracted to the lights. Well tonight, I was checking on a new addition to the tank (feather duster), and noticed these things flying/moving across the surface of the water under my blue LED moon light. They were moving so fast, all I coould se of them are swirling streaks. I mean amazingly fast. Any idea what they might be? I've never seen a gnat move anything near this speed. (And no I wasn't hallucinating or under the influence- my Wife saw them too!)
Tomorrow I'll try to post a pic of the surface critters in daylight.
Thanks for any help!