I bought that guy 15 months ago.. It was in sad shape and I felt sorry for poor thing so I brought it home.. It was completely bleached at the time and it was sold to ma as BTA (E.quadricolor). I was feeding it heavily with squid, shrimps.. so with time it regained color and today finally looks healthy. I'm happy that I managed to bring it back fom the dead but now I doubt about ID.. I personally think it's ritteri.. Not only that i never saw their bubbles inflated, but it's tendency to wonder around (had a 6 months of drama with that girl walking over my corals :x till i finally learned how to keep it on the spot where I wont it to be..), than also all the pics. of Heteractis Magnifica I saw on the net, her preference of extreme light and water movement,and so on
15 months ago
OK, I know it's hard to identify that guy with 100% certainty but some help and pointers would be greatly appreciated
15 months ago

OK, I know it's hard to identify that guy with 100% certainty but some help and pointers would be greatly appreciated