i have this blanket like algae thick algae in the sand and lots more every where. and all my snails are sitting all shriveled up and dont move and some are dead.. What can i do any help would be much appriciated!!!!
icefire":3mjsto35 said:and my water evaporates pretty quick so sould i just add some ro water or tap water with the prime in it when the level gets low from that or should i just do another water change!?!?
icefire":3j93ymhs said:prime is an additive to tap water to remove chlorine and such out of the water. or so it says
I have 2 clown fish (about a year old) in there that i had in a 29 gal tank with the 55lbs of live rock in before i transfered to the 55 gal, hense the small light on the tank and 1 green chromis(about a year old), and a lawnmower blenney right now. i got the LB to eat algae cause my snails and crabs kept dieing.
What skimmer do u recomend to get.?
and when cleaning the live rock do i need to take any precausions. (can i run the rock under tap water while cleaning it too??) or what. sorry im not to knowledgable about most this stuff. Thank u for this site!!!!!
I do appriciate all the help from every one!!!!! :lol: