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OK, so I posted these small pics in the nanoreef buildoff forum but since I am the only one posting to my buildoff thread I though I would ask my question here. Take a look at the pics and let me know what you think these little are going to become :?:

I have an army of Nassarius snails in the nano that I "borrowed" from my home tank so I think they may belong to them. I started off with just 10 Nassarius snails in my home tank and quickly grew to over 200+ in about a year (they have real issues with gettin' it on too much :roll: ).

Some of the little capsules have one eggs whereas others have multiple eggs. The little capsules showed up on the glass beginning last Thursday. It should also be noted that my snails have either been have major battles in the tank or a whole lot-o-reproduction. We constantly see one mount the other's shell. The bottom snail then begins to rapidly spin it's shell from side to side. After about 2-3 minutes they stop and the top snail goes on it's way.

Curious huh? Let me know what you think please.


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thanx wings8888! Check out the pics of the same area today!! These guys either need condoms or the pill!! :D :D 8O :D

btw, at last count there are 55 of the capsules visible on the glass. Many of them have multiple eggs...I gonna need some serious algae soon :?

anyone know how long it will take before the new snails "hatch"?


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Cool beans! Although I'm not sure if Nassarius snails eat algae.



Experienced Reefer
Nassarius snails do eat algae. At least they do in my tank. Not ever off the rocks but they do go onto the glass and eat. I bought 50 off of e-bay for 10 bucks. My seem to move in heards, I'm not sure if that is normal but mine move in packs of about 10-12. Its pretty cool to see it. When mine have laid eggs they have been doing it in little piles of deterius. I usually am getting ready to vacuum them up and I see all the little eggs. It usually takes about 3 weeks before a few of them get any type of visible little shell that I can tell. Most of the time one of my fish will kick up the eggs picking at them and they usually get eaten by my clowns and my angel. I am not saying that I know what I'm saying is exactly correct it is just what generally happens in my tank.

Hope that helps


Advanced Reefer
Don't remember offhand how long it took in my tank to hatch them, but if you keep a close eye on them you'll see little shells developing inside. At some point at night they'll break out and be gone. It was very cool seeing the little shells inside.

BTW- I don't think they are nassarius sp... I think they are strombus.


hi Wade, they must be nassarius because that's all i have in the tank and those guys are constantly "mounting" each other...just ask any of my coworkers :roll: :oops: :roll:

oh well, we will find out in a few weeks.


If they're not Obsolessa then I doubt you'll ever see more snails. Vibrex have a long, feeding pelagic stage.


Mine liked to get freaky all the time too. These are pics of what www.ipsf.com sells as "strombus snails" breeding in my old 6 gallon tank. The PVC elbow was part of the overflow plumbing. They'll breed just about anywhere it seems.


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Experienced Reefer
These are columbellid snails. Good diatom eaters with plenty of personality - you just have to stick around long enough to notice. :)
I watch snails lay in my tank all the time, but I don't have fish so they do it in the middle of the day as nothing bugs them.


Advanced Reefer
Nassarius and Ilyanassa snails do reproduce well in captivity, but those aren't their eggs. As Matt indicated, they are strombus type snails.

(A lab in our department uses Ilyannassa (eastern mud snails, ie- cheap nassarius) for imposex testing of compounds... they are very easy to tell apart male from female with and to induce spawning in).

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