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Hi All, 1st post so.... go easy,

Searched the forum and found a few 'answers' to the above but I'm still a bit confused.

I have heard a series of short clicking noises coming from my 90ltr nano reef. I thought it was the hermit crabs just hitting the glass, but now I'm not so sure.

A few of the snail clean up crew (small <1.5cm) have gone MIA. And I think a hermit may be KIA - saw a few red legs scattered on the sand. (Not the usual molt pattern of several legs stuck together with whatever they chuck off - I assume)..

I think the beast is under an overhanging rock, dark, close to sand, it's where my peppermint hangs out.

Tank has been setup for 6 weeks, fully cycled but ony has two small clowns, the peppermint and a sacrophyton in it.

Could the clicking noise be a pistol or the dreaded mantis?
I have not seen this beast so... can't comment on what it looks like.

Oh.... clicking is heard with the lights on... its is not very loud, is sounds like a shell tapping the glass lightly.. but seems to come from the 'rock' area.

Thanks. :)


Sounds very much like a mantis or pistol shrimp. That would explain your missing snails.

I have fortunately never had to catch a mantis or pistol, but many others have. If you can find the exact rock it's hiding in, you can remove it from the aquarium and deal accordingly. A quick dip in hypersaline (sg of about 1.030) water should flush it out. You can also set a fish trap for it with a small piece of shrimp as bait. Lots of online stores sell premade acrylic fish traps.

Hope this helps, and


Thanks for the reply and the welcome.

The missing hermit has turned up - must have been in hiding whilst it hardened up.

If I continue to loose snails and see a collection of shells where I think it might be I'll dip it.



Advanced Reefer
Check your snails shells for holes in them. If there is just a small hole I would say its a pistol. If the shell is pretty well mangled I would say its a small mantis. A mantis shrimp usualy makes a VERY noticable "POP!" when it strikes somthing like a crab or snail shell.
Mantis shrimp are not capable of making soft clicking noises with just thier "hammers" but they can and do when they are hamering somthing hard like a piece of live rock borrowing themselves a den . Pistol shrimp on the other hand are capable of making such clicks,with just thier claw with out striking anything. Also I read that a pistol shrimp will make clicks in one's and two's where as a mantis will be rapid clicking.
Got all of this info from here:


Fragmaster - Thanks for the reponse.

I probably get at the most 5 clicks often 3ish - I will retieve what small snails I can and examine the shells - none (from the outside of the tank) look as though they have been smashed to bits - so looks like it may be a pistol (or the hermit crab window tappers band).

... Need to get some long SS tweezers... :)

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