I purchased 45 lbs of live rock three or four weeks ago and every time I have handled it, I have clear pieces of something in my hands... I have purchased gloves to use, but is this a common occurance? I labeled this fiberglass because that is what it reminds me of. The splinters are about the diameter of human hair, but are clear... I hope this is not a foreshadowing of hard times to come!
And of course no pictures available since no camera I could afford could take a picture that close!
(Though I did forget I dumped the bucket I rinced the rocks in into the bathtub and wound up with the shards all on my backside... My family seemed to find it rather amusing... Wound up with a 101 (F) degree temperature that night, but was back to normal in the morning... Hope that was a coincidence. But still... It was a rather rotten way to spend New Years Eve!)
And of course no pictures available since no camera I could afford could take a picture that close!
(Though I did forget I dumped the bucket I rinced the rocks in into the bathtub and wound up with the shards all on my backside... My family seemed to find it rather amusing... Wound up with a 101 (F) degree temperature that night, but was back to normal in the morning... Hope that was a coincidence. But still... It was a rather rotten way to spend New Years Eve!)