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New Reefer
I purchased 45 lbs of live rock three or four weeks ago and every time I have handled it, I have clear pieces of something in my hands... I have purchased gloves to use, but is this a common occurance? I labeled this fiberglass because that is what it reminds me of. The splinters are about the diameter of human hair, but are clear... I hope this is not a foreshadowing of hard times to come!

And of course no pictures available since no camera I could afford could take a picture that close!

(Though I did forget I dumped the bucket I rinced the rocks in into the bathtub and wound up with the shards all on my backside... My family seemed to find it rather amusing... Wound up with a 101 (F) degree temperature that night, but was back to normal in the morning... Hope that was a coincidence. But still... It was a rather rotten way to spend New Years Eve!) :D


Advanced Reefer
Welcome to reefs.org!

Are you familiar with bristle worm bristles? The description matches it perfectly...

They should be some pretty large worms (and very obvious)...



Do they itch like fiberglass shards?

That is a pretty specific feeling.

I second the bristle worm idea, it might be wise to use gloves....


New Reefer
I will be wearing gloves the next time I actually touch them... Have them in my aquarium drawer waiting...

The shards kinda itch... Mostly though they just sting... When I move the wrong way that is...

I haven't saw anything alive on or in the rocks...

Never heard of bristle worm bristles (though the name had to have come from somewhere!) I'll do some research here and throughout the web to found out more info...

Thank you both for your help!


Advanced Reefer
I get them in my hands every time I accidentaly get one (when moving rocks they like to hide underneath). Also, I get them when I stick my hand in my hair algae (they hide in there too).

Your description fits pretty well (itching and look). Mike itch for about 4-6 days after I get them.



Advanced Reefer
YOu had better yank out what you can see with some tweezers.
The worms them sevles and thier brisstle will only anoy you but the infection can harm you.


Advanced Reefer
Sure, that's great advice for immediately after you get them in your fingers - it also helps with the discomfort. I tried the trick with duct tape but it didn't work for me. Tweezers are my preferred way to reduce their numbers.

could it be those little white sponge looking things with the clear spikes around the opening? the spikes look just like what is on a bristleworm but much longer and a good bit larger in diameter. I have tons of those in my tank mostly on the under surfaces of the live rocks.
anyone know what these white thingies are? best way i can describe them is they look just like the end of a q-tip (same size as well) with clear spikes on the end.

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