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Experienced Reefer
I got this 2 thing in my tank.. it look like a small flat round disc.. doesn't seem to be alive..could be alive.. used to be on my LR... I make one came off..the one came loose, now stick my snail :(, the other one still stick on my LR




Experienced Reefer
To be honest, a much closer, in focus photo would be needed to have a chance at an ID. Also, is it hard or soft? Any tentacles? Obvious mouth?



A small limpet of some sort maybe?

I had a few of these when I first transferred LawDawgs stuff into my nano but I haven't seen any since. - I never bothered to try and find out what they were, they didn't seem to mess with anything and they were gone before I had much of a chance to think about them.

About 1/4" max in diameter right?


Experienced Reefer
well first I only found 1 which stick on my life rock with the edge of the disc stick on the rock... just like a flying saucer try to cut into the rock. First I thought..hmm is this Flat worm.. cause I am new to the hobby when I first saw it and no idea what flat worm look like.. so I use a stick to knock it off the rock and it just laying flat on the sand bed.. then few week after that I saw another closed to the original area which I didn't bother it. Few days later, the one I knock off kind of weird.. stick on the shell of the snail just like the picture showing... after 3 months when I first started the hobby which the tank is about 3months old, didn't see any more of this thing... just the 2 of them.

The tank didn't need much cycle when I started the tank cause I bought a premium fully cycled LR from a Saltwater aquarium services and maintainance guy. I went to his house and choose my own rock from his 250G tank with a big fat long spine Urchin in there... which some of the spines fell off when we pick up some rock and the rock fell on that poor guy


Experienced Reefer
Should I remove it from the tank and take a photo and put it back? I can't find the other one that stick on that rock cause the snail went missing somewhere...

Right now my tank look like hell after the unfortunate event.. I bought a White Sleeper Goby (Valenciennea sexguttata) and he is in the tank for 1.5 weeks and this little guy is contruction engineer with graduated degree.. He is digging few tunnels under my huge LR.. and he is moving Sand from the DSB into the middle of the LR.... I had no idea what this guy is doing..but he is good at cleaning uneaten foods from the tank.. he can wipe out all the foods and clean all the sand in a whole night which he eat the Sand and filter it out through his gills

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