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Advanced Reefer
I just got my first coral yesterday afternoon! :D A small frag that someone brought into the LFS and he said it was a colt coral he fragged himself. The LFS owner thinks it's a kenya tree instead. I've looked online and I don't really know how to tell the difference. Can anyone give me some pointers on how to find out? I'm trying to get my camera to work so I can post some pics.

It hasn't opened up yet. It looks healthy and I know that whether it's the colt or the kenya tree, it's hardy, so I'm giving it some time to open itself up. Anything I should do to help?

And lastly, I acquired a favia about 2"-3" round. Almost all of it is dead (and hard) except for three "buttons" which are still bright green. The center mouth is "pulsating" and has its tentacles coming in and out (as if it was gasping for air). The area around that mouth also seems to be dead. Not sure if it will make it but is there anything I should take into consideration to help it survive?

Thanks a lot guys! Pics of these coming soon.


Advanced Reefer
I brought a favia back from the brink. It has taken about a year though.. just put it in a good environment with moderate light and moderate flow. Mine has actually managed to grow back over the old skeleton.

Good luck with yours!



Advanced Reefer
Hey B, what does the gasping mouth mean though? I'm thinking/worried that it could be too late. :( When did you start seeing improvement?

And what about the colt coral/kenya tree frag?


Advanced Reefer
im not sure what you mean about the mouth. A pic would be worth a thousand words. sounds like a great excuse to buy a new digital camera! haha get with it man.

results were slow with mine.. it has just now filled up the origional skeleton, and I've had it a little over a year.



Advanced Reefer
Ok! Got my camera up and running again. The quality isn't great, I know, but might be the best I can do. Unless I were to pull it out to take a picture but I don't want to disturb them right now. So, what do you guys think? What is it?


  • colt or kenya tree.JPG
    colt or kenya tree.JPG
    33 KB · Views: 1,309


Advanced Reefer
And here is the first of two pics of the favia. Notice the hole ("mouth"?) in the center surrounded by the brown are. That's where the tentacles will come in and out of every two seconds or so. It is not out (filled) in this picture.


  • coral 038.jpg
    coral 038.jpg
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Advanced Reefer
And then on this one, the tentacles are barely sticking out of the slit. You can barely make it out but hopefully you guys will understand. Like I said, it'll do this every couple of seconds, and then stop for a while. Should I have it higher up or lower in the tank in order for it to get "better"?


  • coral 039.jpg
    coral 039.jpg
    110.2 KB · Views: 1,306


Advanced Reefer
heres what i make of the favia

I think the center is dead and there is just somthing living in that hole :) Is the brown area actually soft tissue or hard skeleton????

Also, I think there is enough living tissue to bring it back, but it may take a while

make sure your calcium and alk lvls are good and put it in a med flow area around midway.. just what i would do.


Advanced Reefer
Yes, the brown area is softer. By that I mean, it's softer than the dead part but seems to be going hard. Might be the last one dying. The green parts don't seem to be fading or turning darker, at least not yet! I do hope it'll survive since the green is very vivid!

That mouth is active though! It seems like it's the tentacles that come out at night, but they're out during the day also! :?

What about that other frag? Can anyone help?

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