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Last night I noticed that one of my pepermint shrimp had babies. When I looked below in the refugium to see if any had made it down there alive I was surprised to see hundreds of VERY thin tentacles waving through the water. After a closer inspection I noticed they were grabbing the small shrimp and pulling them towards small masses attached to the Calerpa. There is also some smnall ones attached to my skimmer pump.


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Experienced Reefer
It's hard to tell from from the image but judging by the flat body with 2 peaks and 2 pinnate feeding tentacles it's a benthic ctenophore rather than a jellyfish. These are in a separate phylum. Jellyfish are cnidarians like corals and anemones while ctenophores are, well, they're ctenophores. You'll find more information & images by googling benthic ctenophore, platyctene or Coeloplana; also there are a couple of long post threads about them at www.wetpixel.com

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