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Advanced Reefer
This is about as best as I can do on pictures without disturbing the larger rock.

I have two of these that I can see. They can close fast, though not at eyeblink speed like a fanworm. Also they dont seem to be able to completely disapear. I hope they are a type tube anemone and not a pest...><

By the way that is the true color of what ever they are. If it helps they "pulse" while feeding (I assume they are feeding) and are about the size of a number two pencil eraser.


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Advanced Reefer
Not sure on this one, but more knowledgeable folks will chime in as they look though. My guess is it is a barnicle, or worm of some sort. I lean toward barnicle because they do fan themselves when they are gathering food out of the water column and can disapear fast. But some worms can diappear fast as well, but do not fan themselves. Either one is not bad. Hope it helps some.


Advanced Reefer
You might be right on it being a barnicle tpe creature. After watching them some more and looking at the closeups I can see the one in the back has a solid white base or shell.

Looks kind of like a white bump with a slit in the middle, or like an observatory they use for large telescopes.

No luck on pictures matching that I have been looking through yet but looks like its a harmless critter so its all good.

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