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Advanced Reefer
Fanworm? Tube anemone?


  • closeupfan.JPG
    133 KB · Views: 886


Advanced Reefer
Hard to tell. Can you get closer? Any discriptions of behavior? Could be Fan Worm, Glass Anemonie, Hydroid.


Advanced Reefer
Thats a zoom shot at 4x then blown up to 200% about as close as I can get.

Ill try and get another pic here in a minute. They act like featherdusters and have what looks like a small tube/base they retract into.

They dont grab stuff in the water like anemone and retract (seepdily) when touched or shadows pass over.


Advanced Reefer
Most likely a type of tube worm, although it is hard to say. Other options would be barnacles (although doesn't really look like it) or hydroids. Have they moved position at all?


Advanced Reefer

I have those critters in my tank and they don't harm anybody. They also don't multiply out of control. I'd say "keepers". I even like them. I think some kind of tube worm or hydroid too. No barnacles (at least nowhere close to what I got at Radio Island).



Advanced Reefer
They dont change posistion as far as I can tell.

The pictures dont do justice to how they look. They look neat as far as asthetics go, and Im sure they arent harming anything and are probaly harnless/beneficial filter feeders. I just wanted to get a positive id on them if possible. Ill go with tubeworm/featherduster type critter for now.

Thanks for the replys.


Advanced Reefer
tube worm / feather duster like things.. i have lots of them... they aren't a problem. Dont worry.. they dont even resemble glass anemonies.

You're fine :)


BTW have a 36"fixture for sale in the sale forum :)

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