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Dad's Tank

New Reefer
After looking through this forum it appears we have flat worms in our tank. We are just not sure where they came from. We have a 200 gallon tank and have had it for 23 months. The last time anything (coral, fish...anything new) was added to the tank was 11 months ago. Two weeks ago we had our tank cleaned by a professional, we are concerned that his cleaning equipment brought this into our tank. Any thoughts? We will get the Salifert Flatworm Exit in the morning but they are already everywhere!



Advanced Reefer
Well, welcome to Reefs.org, then!!!

There's someone here who's named "dadstank," that's why I asked. :lol:

You can use programs like photoshop to crop/resize your picture. Paint will do it too. Shoot for around 100x100 megapixels.

Hope that link helps you out! WetWebMedia has great resources and is a huge database. Lots of people here that are very knowledgeable also! So stay for a while! :lol:

Also, post some pictures of your dad's tank under Members' Tank Specifications because everyone loves to look at a good looking tank! It'll also help us (and yourself) to reference back to your tank and its paremeters and such.

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