This liverock is supposedly "cultured." I've been finding a lot of life in it for "cultured" rock lol.
I have NO idea what this could be. After a close look with a magnifying glass (can't photograph as close), I discovered it has a single column coming out of the rock, which splits into the 8 or so spines. The spines are pointing directly up, and they don't sway in the water current, they appear quite stiff. The green tips are strange too.
Can't be an urchin, because it's growing from a column in the rocks. Can't be an anemone because they don't have stiff tentacles. Any ideas?
update: It's about 1/8" tall. I gave it a VERY light touch with my turkey baster, and there was no "self propelled" reaction. Definately looks sessile and unresponsive to touch. And it wasn't there last night (24 hrs ago).
I have NO idea what this could be. After a close look with a magnifying glass (can't photograph as close), I discovered it has a single column coming out of the rock, which splits into the 8 or so spines. The spines are pointing directly up, and they don't sway in the water current, they appear quite stiff. The green tips are strange too.
Can't be an urchin, because it's growing from a column in the rocks. Can't be an anemone because they don't have stiff tentacles. Any ideas?
update: It's about 1/8" tall. I gave it a VERY light touch with my turkey baster, and there was no "self propelled" reaction. Definately looks sessile and unresponsive to touch. And it wasn't there last night (24 hrs ago).