An assortment of Acropora species, which is the closest you will get to an actual ID for a few reasons.
- Photo identification of living corals is next to impossible for all but the most obvious corals, such as an elegant coral. Without skeletal examinations...forget it.
- Acropora and Montipora present their own unique challenges in that acropora can interbreed creating hybrids as well as having a great many species within the genus to begin with. Monitporas, even with a skeletal example in hand, the experts can at best offer a few suggested species while never really being sure of their own best guesses.
I would only say I don't think the last is an echinata (doesn't really have the bottlebrush form). Search for posts by the user Unarce for photos of the real thing.
1 and 3 are definitely acropora and #3 sure looks like Acro Valida to BreefCake said. I recently got one myself so have been studying it a lot lately. Looks a lot like mind and most pics I've seen. I really don't think #2 is an Acro though. Just doesn't have the same Corallite or polyp pattern as most Acros.