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Rob Top

Advanced Reefer
I just bought a rock at a LFS, This is soemone who is HIGHLY repected in the area, list as one of the top 10 stores in Chicago. He had no idea what the colony was. It was very cool and I had to have it. One of my buddies suggested it was majano. I can not believe that this LFS does not know what majano looks like, nor that he would sell it knowing what it is and saying he did not. This store is one of the best out there. I have spent a couple hours looking at pics of majano, and am not convenced one way or another. Leaning towards it not being. Is there somewhere I can find a definitve list of pics and discription for majano? I made it through 8 pages of google, and am out of time. I'll post a pic tonight, but in the mean time give me the specifics. Everything I looked at was Is this it...how to kill it


That's because most of the time the LFS has no idea what they're selling. They go by what the collector, distributors says or what it looks like in a book. I'd much rather have a LFS tell someone they don't know what it is than have them tell someone it's something that it's not.
Without a picture I probably already know what it is just from experience, but I'll wait to see what pictures you have. I think I know most of the LFS very well around Chicago though most wouldn't know me if they saw me.

David Mohr

Rob Top

Advanced Reefer

The reason I am not sure if it is majano is, this has no stalk, evey pic I looked at today has one. The tenticels are more lash like than the pics I looked at. Most of them seemed short and fat, or with bulbs at the end. The color is completely differant than any of the ones I looked at(this is the less convencing reason I know color morphs, ect ect) Also when out of water or if I brush at in water they retract more than close. The pics of people killing majano they seem to ball up. There is connecting tissue between most the poylps, more like zoa than what I have seen in anemones. And I would hate to think this store sold them to me. I believe the owner to be quite knowledgeable and he is the one I dealt with.
The reason I believe they are majano is, well that's the sort of luck I have when I buy something I do not know about. I should know better than to do that at this point. I'm not a very trusting person, but if you do something to earn my trust it is blind trust and usually bites me in the ...
So Dave what do you think?


Can you get a focused picture? It's either Anemonia sp. or Polythoa sp.

David Mohr

Rob Top

Advanced Reefer
Yeah I'll get a better one this afternoon. I forgot to take a pic untill after the lights went down yesterday so that was with just the room light and flash.

Rob Top

Advanced Reefer


These any better Dave. My camera is having a hard time focusing. I'm leaning more towards anemonia, as a few have moved off the rock they where on, as anemonia tend to do.

Rob Top

Advanced Reefer
taz, thanks for the link, keeping the hope alive. The second group of pics are worse than the 1st. I'll try again in a few


In that pic, see how some tips are inflating? That's makes me thinks it's either a club anemone, or a manajo. One way to tell is if you touch it. The Palythoa will be leathery, while if it where an anemone, it would be slippery/slimey and far weaker.

Rob Top

Advanced Reefer
Touched it, not sure though. Feels slippery/slimey, but very firm. Kind of like a mushroom, but firmer. I'm thinking I should test it's sting with a mushroom or something to see if it has a mean sting

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