I recently set up a 24 gal aquapod and today after work when I got home I noticed coming out from my live rock in one of the caves a long skinny worm, it did not appear to have any hairs of any kind I was unable to get any pictures because of the location but the part out of the rock was about 2-2/12 inches long light brown with dark brown rings up the whole worm, when a loud noise happend it retracted into the hole again but almost seemed as though it retracted into itself (if that makes any sense) also from one of the old posts i also have a large amount of hydroid jellyfish, are these going to cause a problem? if so how do I rid my tank of them? and not meaning to be a pain with the questions but with Aiptasia does it if touched suck into the rock? I have found somthing that has a brown mushroom like base and clear tenticles coming from the top, when i touch it the tenticles retract but the mushroom like base remains, I also noticed at night the top part of the mushroom closes like a flower pod with the translucent tenticles sticking out the top, Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.