Keep in mind that if it is Majano anemone...though the rock may be easy to get to...they're notorious for moving. They can move all the way across your tank rather quickly and plant themselves in a more difficult spot to get to and then become a real pest.
bad news... Its gone.. I have no clue where its at... I added two peppermint shrimp yesterday... now this morning its gone am i probbaly correct at blaming the peppermint shrimp?
a sad esteem
There would be a small hard coral skeleton in the place the polyp was if it was indeed a frogspawn coral. It looks like it was doing well.
Any other changes besides adding the shrimp? Are you positive you have the "true" peppermint shrimp, Lysmata wurdemanni, and not the humpback shrimp, Rhynchocinetes uritai (pictured below)?