Just some observations. At 24-30 seconds into the video you can see a shiny blue sand grain that gets moved, and at 49 sec. the same sand grain. This shows that it is inside the tank. The green vegatation on the sand is a blade of crabgrass. The spider ends up on the grass at the end of the video, if you watch close you can also watch the main body of the spider follow the contours of the sand grains and the crabgrass. At the end I am trying to focus better on it, and so you can see particles of algea or whatever coming in and out of focus between the microscope and the spider. Now I'm no Arachnid expert, but how long can a spider live and hunt in a saltwater tank? There is no air bubble around it, so is it just holding it's breath. This spider is very small, and my tank is about two feet deep, so it would have to hold it's breath a long time. It doesn't look the least bit stressed. Anybody know a spider expert? I sent the video to a scientist in Australia that studies marine spiders that live on their coast, but he has not written back yet. It's only been a few days though.