C cindre2000 Advanced Reefer Feb 24, 2007 #1 I have this anemone in my tank. What is it? Attachments DSC01832.JPG 59.9 KB · Views: 1,410
M meshal001 Active Reefer Mar 8, 2007 #4 actually I don't have the sciantific name of the anemone,,, but it's diffenetly a sand anemone...
A Anonymous Guest Mar 8, 2007 #5 I saw a sand anemone simular to this one in Cozumel hosting a shrimp. Pretty cool!
C cindre2000 Advanced Reefer Mar 8, 2007 #6 So, I can have the following "hosts": Allard's Clown Barrier Reef Clown Bluestripe Clown Clark's Clown Mauritian Clown Three-Band Clown Two-Band Clown Anemone Shrimp
So, I can have the following "hosts": Allard's Clown Barrier Reef Clown Bluestripe Clown Clark's Clown Mauritian Clown Three-Band Clown Two-Band Clown Anemone Shrimp