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Active Reefer
Help! I just bought some coral (ricordia mushrooms) and in the bag they came in are somethings that look like spiders. Are they safe? Does anyone know? I have not released the corals yet in case there are more on them that I cant see.


Google pycnogonid and sea spider and see if any of those pictures look similar. There are a number of these that can come in incindentally with corals - some are known to be predators on zoanthids and have turned up with regularity in the hobby.


Active Reefer
ok yes they are marine spiders. I managed to get 3 off (all I could see) I left them in a styrofoam cup for a week(forgot about them) and when I looked again they were still alive. Tuff lil buggers. Dont think any got into my tank and even if they did my goby will probably eat them.He eats everything -should have called him mikey instead of slobidanthegoby.


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