I broke down my 110g reef last week to sell it in preparation for a move. In the process found an unusual brittle star. It was imbeded in rock. Since my rock was going to a cycle tank at a LFS so I decided to break it out of the rock and put it in my nano. It has five very slender arms about 1mm at the base, with long(ish) almost transparent bristles off them (2mm) about 12.5cm from arm to arm, the body has the same diameter as a pencil eraser. Tan in color with brown striping. The fun part, as I broke it out every time I would touch it it would exibit an electric blue bioluminesance that would 'flow' over its body. I still see it at night in my nano very cool little guy. I haven't done any direct feeding but I assume it will eat when I feed the coral. Any thoughts on what it is, my rock has come from all over but the rock he was in came from florida about 2 - 3 years ago. Anyway cool guy I'll try to get pictures after the move.