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Advanced Reefer
This will be the forum for the reef microbiology course for 2008. Feel free to use it to post any questions, background, gripes or other information!

Welcome to Reef Microbiology!


Is it possible to speed up the chat session? I was multi-tasking due to the time it took to post information. Also, I found some of the Misc. discussions great but not during the main lecture. They were distracting especially when two or more students were chatting on a seperate subject during the lecture. My suggestion is to provide Q&A sessions on misc. topics but at designated times.


Active Reefer
I thought the speed was fine. It was kind of slow at first and I was worried but then it was okay once we got going. My learning style is to write, enbeds it into my memory (for the most part). Infact there was one section I got behind because someone came and asked me something and had to play catch up.
As for Q&A. I think that it is okay to ask Q if they explain the what is being talked about at the time. (directly) But there was a couple of times it did deviate from the lecture subject at the time. So, yea keep Q until later unless say you didnt understand what was said, a process, etc
But I also believe as people do their reading and get to know others and use this form, some things might be answered a head of time


Active Reefer
lets not forget that there are some beginning aquarists in the class, some who have yet to even set up their first tank. therefore i may spend a little time explaining concepts which may be familiar to some other more experienced reefers.

also, i can only type so fast, and occasionally need to reference my own notes.


Active Reefer
I understand that, both the newbies and that your not the all powerful Oz LOL. But there was a couple of times it seem to get off the subject, but it was all good. We always have the option of taking a potty break when ever we want, and catch up when we get back
It was really a good session I though and you handled it well. At first I wasnt sure what to expect, but in the final process I was happy. There was a couple of times that I was lost in the sense of not sure if we were in the same sentence or started a new one but I realize it is hard to type a lecture instead of just yaking it out. And we will have the transcripts to go back to.
I believe for the most part you are doing a great job working with such a diverse group. I was worried that it would be to remedial or doctorial, but after today I think I will get the understanding that I came for.
I liked your soft cycle, would like to do it when I get the new tank set up. but wondering about doing 75% water changes on a large tank. Would you need to do that much, and some say to take the old water with you, or that you dont need to fill it up all at once ( meaning that after it is cycled, you can slowly fill it up in exchange for water changes) what are your views on that? or is that a later lesson


Active Reefer
thank you for the input tami! i'm glad that you found the chat interesting, and hope others did as well. because i don't want novices to get left behind or confused, i want to make sure that i address all uncertainties. so for those that have questions relevant to the topic at hand, i will try to answer as quickly as possible and get back on topic.

also, i do like a somewhat interactional chat/lecture because i can get an idea if people are getting it or not. so just for the record, i didn't mind anything about yesterday's chat. however, i do understand that some may find the fact that i described nitrogen cycle to one student old hat. again, please keep in mind that there are many skill levels among the students.

realistically, when i teach my college class it is no different; some students read ahead, or have advanced backgrounds and get frustrated with the time taken for students who are newer to the material. unfortunately that is the nature of a class with mixed backgrounds, particularly such as this. this class does not have any "prerequisites", so the backgrounds are even broader than what is encountered in a typical college class.

however, if the questions are somewhat off-topic, i'll ask that people please save them till after "lecture".

i'd also like to point out that we have this forum for interaction, and the "lessons" don't have to end with the conclusion of the chat session! you are all welcome to start threads related to any of the topics we discussed yesterday, and i encourage you all to do so.


Just for clarification, I was referring to the typing time not the subject matter. I actually found myself taking a lot of time understanding the termology used and needed a dictionary by my side.

I enjoyed the way you started with a real situation and used it to explain the reading material. As an adult learner I find it easier to understand a concept when I can see the relationship to something I'm familar with.

The reason for the seperate Q&A was because I was so involved with your way of starting up your nano tank I didn't want it to mistakenly get side tracked with another topic. Being new to this subject, I have a difficult time following multiple topics at the same time unless they're tied together with a common theme. Maybe it's a sign of old age!


Advanced Reefer
Learning to decipher one train of thought from another via chat can be very difficult. Kids who use IM all the time certainly have it easier!

We could always come up with a system of making a different colored or starred (or similar) text for off topic responses to help folks recognize when the subject has shifted. I can work with Jason on how to do that.


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