thank you for the input tami! i'm glad that you found the chat interesting, and hope others did as well. because i don't want novices to get left behind or confused, i want to make sure that i address all uncertainties. so for those that have questions relevant to the topic at hand, i will try to answer as quickly as possible and get back on topic.
also, i do like a somewhat interactional chat/lecture because i can get an idea if people are getting it or not. so just for the record, i didn't mind anything about yesterday's chat. however, i do understand that some may find the fact that i described nitrogen cycle to one student old hat. again, please keep in mind that there are many skill levels among the students.
realistically, when i teach my college class it is no different; some students read ahead, or have advanced backgrounds and get frustrated with the time taken for students who are newer to the material. unfortunately that is the nature of a class with mixed backgrounds, particularly such as this. this class does not have any "prerequisites", so the backgrounds are even broader than what is encountered in a typical college class.
however, if the questions are somewhat off-topic, i'll ask that people please save them till after "lecture".
i'd also like to point out that we have this forum for interaction, and the "lessons" don't have to end with the conclusion of the chat session! you are all welcome to start threads related to any of the topics we discussed yesterday, and i encourage you all to do so.