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I received my live rock today, and noticed the crab below in one of the holes, we managed to flush him out using a Turkey Baster. Is he bad, we don't have a Sump, so if he his bad he will have to go, whats the quickest and least gory way (freshwater)?

If I leave him in will he kill my hermits, snails, clown and blennie that I will be soon transferring over from another tank?

Information quickly he his sat in a bowl of aquarium water at mo.



  • crab1.jpg
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  • crab2.jpg
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Checked all my Live Rock, found another one looks exactly same as other in photo, but smaller, If they won't kill hermits, cleaner shrimp or 2 fish I could put them in the other tank?


Looks like a emerald crab. But dont take my word for it. I was told the crabs that are bad are the ones that are spiky and or have on claw larger than the other
These are a dark brown in colour, hairy legs and black pincers. From looking at the web I don't think they are the right colour for Mithrax.

Could they be a specie of Gorilla Crab?


Experienced Reefer
Wondering if it's possibly a "swimmer" crab, by looking at the hind legs. Hard to tell with it being small yet, but if that's the case, they're not good.
Whatever species they were, they are now gracing the tanks at my LFS, contacted them earlier, they were more than happy to take them off my hands, I wouldn't have been able to kill them its not there fault they didn't suit my setup.

Thanks all for your replays.


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