Experienced Reefer
one thing i am generally careful about is the choosing of suitable corals in my tanks. impusle purchases are NOT normally my thing and thsi certainly wasn't one.
i have dealt with an on-line one man fragging company in the uk for a while and have always recieved high quality wysiwyg corals from him.
recently i purchased an item described as a purple sea fan and after a quick telephone call i was assured it wouldn't need target feeding.
now however im not so sure as whilst all is fine and healthy in my LPS nano the fans polyps do not seem to be actively feeding much.
since i bought it the subject has come up on a uk forum which he is a sponsor of and as of yet no-one has been able to commit to what the coral is and what it needs?
i dont take buying anything lightly and want to be sure that i can provide it with exactly what it needs or as good as.
the first pic is in my sellers tanks....the seccond two are in my nano....(poor shots but the best i can get)
here's hoping that someone here has an idea of what it is?#
many thanks.
one thing i am generally careful about is the choosing of suitable corals in my tanks. impusle purchases are NOT normally my thing and thsi certainly wasn't one.
i have dealt with an on-line one man fragging company in the uk for a while and have always recieved high quality wysiwyg corals from him.
recently i purchased an item described as a purple sea fan and after a quick telephone call i was assured it wouldn't need target feeding.
now however im not so sure as whilst all is fine and healthy in my LPS nano the fans polyps do not seem to be actively feeding much.
since i bought it the subject has come up on a uk forum which he is a sponsor of and as of yet no-one has been able to commit to what the coral is and what it needs?
i dont take buying anything lightly and want to be sure that i can provide it with exactly what it needs or as good as.
the first pic is in my sellers tanks....the seccond two are in my nano....(poor shots but the best i can get)
here's hoping that someone here has an idea of what it is?#
many thanks.